LEPC & Tier II Reporting Info.

The LEPC is a committee required by the Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act of 1986. The FC LEPC committee operates in accordance with WAC 118-40.  It is made up of representatives from government, industry, elected officials, environmental groups and others.

Franklin County Local Emergency Planning Committee (LEPC) meetings are held quarterly in conjunction with the Benton County LEPC on the first Thursday of the following months: March, June, September and December. Meeting time is 10:00 a.m. and meeting location will alternate between Benton County Emergency Management (BCEM) located at 651 Truman Ave, Richland, WA 99352 and Franklin County Emergency Management (FCEM) located at 1011 E. Ainsworth St., Pasco, WA  99301

The LEPC meeting schedule is as follows – First Thursday of these months:

  • March, at Franklin County
  • June, at Benton County
  • September, at Franklin County
  • December, at Benton County

Tier II reporters please scan and email your reports to: sdavis@franklincountywa.gov FCEM will reply to emails with a message stating they have received your submission.

You may also mail your reports to: 1011 E. Ainsworth St., Pasco, WA 99301.

Franklin County LEPC has incorporated the planning requirements of Title III of the Act into the Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan developed by Franklin County Emergency Management in section ESF-10.

Toxic Release Inventory (TRI) Facilities Near You

Businesses using or generating hazardous materials in excess of certain quantities established by the Environmental Protection Agency must report to the LEPC, their local fire department and to the Washington State Department of Ecology.  The information is filed as a Tier II report.

Franklin County LEPC Meeting Minutes

03-06-2018 LEPC03-05-2019 LEPC03-03-2020 LEPC03-02-2021 LEPCCANCELED-COVID03-07-2023 LEPC
06-05-2018 LEPC06-04-2019 LEPCCANCELED-COVID
06-01-2021 LEPC06-07-2022 LEPCCANCELED
12-04-18 LEPC12-03-2019 LEPC CANCELED-COVIDCANCELED-COVID12-06-2022 LEPC12-07-2023 LEPC
CANCELED03-06-2025 @ FCEM
06-06-2024 LEPC06-05-2025 @ BCEM
09-05-2024 LEPC Draft Minutes09-04-2025 @ FCEM
12-05-2024 @ BCEM12-04-2025 @ BCEM

WA STate Tier II Requirements & Info.
Click Here for Spill/Release Information


EPA Tier II Reporting Info.